Who's WhoThe Rev'd
Canon David Garrett, B.A., M.Div.
Rector The Rev'd Father Stephen Petrie, Priest assistant The Rev'd Father Ralph Moore, Assisting Priest The Rev'd Canon Peter Harris Rector Emeritus Philip Davis Lay Reader Kevin Garvey Lay Eucharistic Minister Vincent Salabarria Lay Eucharistic Minister Beth Dowbiggin Lay Eucharistic Minister Carl Mathis Lay Reader and Precentor Debra Leuty Altar Guild President The Rev'd Clement Carelse Organist and Choir Director Gloria Jay Assistant Organist Susan Stensch Assistant Organist Ann Francis Assistant Organist Rory Francis Parish Warden Maurice Rodgerson Parish Warden Kristina Chandler Church Office Secretary Janitorial and cleaning services provided by "Dulces Facilities Services Ltd." (Tony Foy, and Jose Galicia) Sexton services ![]() |
Our HistoryThe founding of St. Peter's
was directly linked to a theological and
liturgical revival of the Catholic tradition
within Anglicanism, known as the Oxford or
Tractarian Movement. This Movement began in
England in the 1830's, and spread throughout
the Anglican Communion worldwide. By the
1860's, some parishioners of the already
long-established St. Paul's Church, in
Charlottetown, had been exposed to the
Oxford Movement through their travels, and
wanted to erect a new church building where
the teachings and liturgical observances of
that movement could be reflected and
The Rev'd Father David Garrett![]() Father
David Garrett, was born and raised in a loving
and devout Christian family in New Glasgow,
Nova Scotia. As a teenager his faith was
renewed and encouraged by an appreciation of
the Book of Common Prayer and the daily
offices off morning and evening prayer, as
well as when as a summer employee and
volunteer at a home for special care he
witnessed the profound effect of sacramental
ministry in awakening a knowledge of love in
the residents, when the Eucharist was
celebrated in the home. His faith was later
deepened by participation in the life of Kings
College Chapel, when he came to study at
Kings: the round of daily worship; the
Christian fellowship and learning he found
there; and the teaching and example of godly
ministry of the clergy, Frs. R.D. Crouse, W.J.
Hankey, T.H. Curran, Eric Segelberg, G.R.
Bridge and J.B. Hibbits. After
graduating with a B.A. from King's, he sought
ordination and studied for an M.Div. degree
from A.S.T. the ecumenical theology school, in
Halifax. He was ordained a Deacon on June 28th
1983, by Bishop Arthur Peters, in All Saints'
Cathedral, Halifax and a Priest on March 24th
1984 in Saint James' Church, Spry Bay, in the
Parish of Tangier, on the Eastern Shore of
Nova Scotia, by Bishop Leonard Hatfield. He
served as student assistant and curate with,
the then Rector of Tangier, Father Peter
Harris, from 1982 to 1984. After that he
served as: Rector of the Parishes of Pugwash
and River John, on the North Shore of Nova
Scotia 1984-1988; Priest Assistant in the
Parish of St. James', Armdale, in suburban
Halifax, Nova Scotia 1988-1995; Rector of
Seaforth, outside of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia,
1995-2004; and Rector of Cornwallis, near
Wolfville and Kentville, in Kings County Nova
Scotia 2004-2014. He succeeded Father
Peter Harris as Rector of St. Peter's
Cathedral in December 2014.
Choir at St. Peter's
Gallery Credit: Bridget Victoria Photography