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For most of the following links, click on the title to go down in the document to the detailed descriptions for that series of items, and on the Back links to return to the shorter list immediately below.For a link-less version of the following short list, (suitable for printing) follow this link.
The Theological Conference
Report Series 1983-2019
$5.00 150th Anniversary of the Oxford Movement- The Way Forward
$8.00 Church Polity and Authority
$15.00 The Prayer Book
$8.00 Holy Living - Christian Morality Today
$9.00 Rebuilding the House of God
$10.00 The Scriptures and Modern Christian Teaching
$10.00 The Thirty-Nine Articles
$10.00 Atonement and Sacrifice: Doctrine and Worship
$10.00 Replenish the Earth: the Christian Theology of Nature
$10.00 The Holy Spirit
$10.00 Tradition: Received and Handed On
$12.00 Redeeming the Time: The Church and the Challenge of Secularity
$12.00 The Idea of the Church in Historical Development
$14.00 Christian Anthropology: The Trinitarian Theology of Man
$13.00 "Who do you say that I am?" The Person and Mission of Jesus Christ
$15.00 "No Power But of God" Political Theology: The Christian's Relation to the State
$15.00 "Take thou Authority...": The Theology of the Ordained Ministry in the Church Today
$15.00 "I am the Alpha and the Omega": Jesus for a New Millennium
$15.00 "The Journey Home": Sin and Grace
$20.00 "Providence: The Will of God in Human Affairs"
$20.00 "Iconography: The Use of Art in Christian Worship"
$22.00 "Multiculturalism and Religious Freedom"
$25.00 "Christian Friendship"
$20.00 "Reform and Renewal in Contemporary Christianity"
$20.00 "Justification and Sanctification"
$25.00 "Christian Psychology: The Formation of Souls"
$15.00 "Changing our Mind on Secularization: The Contemporary Debate about Sacred and Secular in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam"
$15.00 "Knit together in one communion: Anglican Identity and the Challenge of Diversity"
$15.00 "Recognizing the Sacred in the Modern Secular: How the sacred is to be discovered in today's world"
$15.00 "The New Atheism"
$15.00 "The Biblical Job: Comfort, Righteousness, Holiness"
$15.00 "The Meaning of Evil"
$20.00 "The Outward Sense Befriending: The Beautiful, the True, and the Good"
$20.00 "The Church Visible and Invisible: "The Blessed Company of All Faithful People""
$20.00 "God Every Day and Everywhere"
$25.00 "Memory: Its Persistence and Loss in Christian Community"
$25.00 "Upon this Rock: St. Peter in the Scriptures and Christian Tradition, and in the Life of the Church"
$25.00 "Burning Churches and Sacred Spaces"
Please note: For the book on 'Christian Friendship', and the book on 'Christian Psychology', the price of $25 includes postage and handling. For all other books in the above list, postage and handling costs will be added to the price.
Retreat Address
Images of Pilgrimage: Paradise and Wilderness in Christian Spirituality, by the Rev'd Dr. Robert Crouse.
Common Prayer Commentaries
$20.00 Volume 1: Advent I to Epiphany V (revised and re-printed Fall 2002)
$20.00 Volume 2: Septuagesima - Easter Even (revised and re-printed 2015)
$15.00 Volume 3: Easter - Pentecost (revised and re-printed 1998)
$20.00 Volume 4: Trinity Sunday - Trinity XII (revised and re-printed Dec. 1999)
$20.00 Volume 5: Trinity XIII - Trinity XXVI (revised and re-printed Summer 2000)
$15.00 Common Prayer - Volume 6: Parochial Homilies for the Eucharist based on the Lectionary of the Book of Common Prayer (Including many sermons by the Rev'd Dr. Robert Crouse, as well as sermons by The Rev'd John Matheson, The Rev'd Dr. Thomas Curran, and others).
$15.00 A Commentary on the Psalms, by Mrs. Carolyn Westin, the Rev'd Michael Hawkins, and the Rev'd Peter Young
The St. George's Christian Education Curriculum
Year One--The Catechism
Year Two--The Church Year
Year Three--God's People in the Bible
Year Four--God's People Through the Ages
$1.00 Anglicans by The Reverend Eric MacDonald
$1.00 Ash Wednesday Meditations by The Right Rev'd Arthur Peters
$1.00 The Four Last Things by The Rev'd Canon H.M.D. Westin
$1.00 The Seven Sacraments by The Rev'd Eric MacDonald
$1.00 The Forgiveness of Sins by The Rev'd Canon T.A. Smith
$0.60 Ten More Questions Concerning The Book of Alternative Services by the Rev'ds Roger Beckwith, Robert Crouse, and others.
$0.50 Simple Devotions for God's People (Temporarily out of stock)
$0.50 Family Prayers for God's People
$4.75 Series#1 The Evangelical Anglican Identity Problem - an analysis By J.I. Packer
$4.75 Series#3 The Doctrine of Justification in the Church of England by R.A. Leaver
$4.75 Series#4 Justification Today: The Roman Catholic and Anglican Debate by R.G. England
$4.75 Series#5/6 Homosexuals in the Christian Fellowship by D.J. Atkinson
$4.75 Series#7 Nationhood: towards a Christian Perspective by O.R. Johnston
$4.75 Series#9 Confessing The Faith in the Church of England Today by R.T. Beckwith
$4.75 Series#10 A kind of Noah's Ark? The Anglican commitment to Comprehensiveness by J.I. Packer
$4.75 Series#12 Rome and Reformation Today: how Luther speaks to the new situation by James Atkinson
$4.75 Series#13 Music as Preaching: Bach, Passions and Music in Worship by R.A. Leaver
$4.75 Series#14 Jesus Through Other Eyes: Christology in Multi-Faith Context by C.A. Lamb
$4.75 Series#15 Church and State Under God by James Atkinson
Other Publications
$6.00 The Sarum Missal (new softcover edition, reprinted by St. Peter Publications).
This small book contains an English translation of the text of the Holy Eucharist in the Sarum Rite.
$0.75 Collegium Regale: Magnificat, Tone I.I and Nunc Dimittis, Tone 1.4 Faux Bourdons and accompaniment by Dr. F.A. Reesor
$0.75 Sancti Angeli Custodes: Magnificat, Tone V111.2 and Nunc Dimittis, Tone IV.2. Faux Bourdons by Prof. Carl Mathis
$4.75 The Office of Holy Communion Set to Music by John Merbecke in the year 1550 with organ accompaniment by Healey Willan
$0.50 A small (Hymn-book) size melody edition of the same music
$4.00 Music for the Proper Prefaces compiled by John Cozens
Church Journal - Religious Newspaper: "The Anglican Planet".
See this website for information.
$12.00 An Act of Faith - The Founding of St. Peter's Cathedral by Peter Westin
2023 Canadian Anglican Church Calendar (based on the Book of Common Prayer 1962)
(Orders of 25 or more calendars at wholesale price of $7.25 per calendar; Orders of fewer than 25 at price of $7.75 per calendar)
Shipping and handling charges extra.
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REPORT SERIESBeginning in 1981, an annual Atlantic Theological Conference has been held in the Canadian Maritimes. Lay people, clergy, students and scholars from all over the world are to be found in attendance. These conferences meet in Fredericton, New Brunswick; Halifax, Nova Scotia; and Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Information on attending these ongoing Conferences can be obtained through e-mailing St. Peter Publications, or by visiting the "Atlantic Theological Conference" Web Site.
At these conferences distinguished speakers from all over the world have assembled to present their opinions on current Church issues from an orthodox Christian perspective. St. Peter Publications Inc. has made available the transcripts of their papers in the series detailed below.
Follow this link to learn more about the Atlantic Theological Conferences, and your opportunity to enjoy substantial theology in a faithful Christian fellowship!
Please note: The first Conference in the series was held in Charlottetown, PEI, in 1981. The topic was "The Need for a 'Catholic' Voice in the Church Today". The second Conference was held in St. John, New Brunswick, in 1982. The topic was "Christian Initiation". Unfortunately the books containing the papers presented at these first two conferences are no longer available, having been sold out, and out of print for a number of years.
150th Anniversary of the Oxford Movement - The Way Forward (1983)
$5.00 (Wholesale Price $3.50)
This small volume of 67 pages contains much solid meat. Canadian students will find interesting information about the origins of the Oxford Movement in the Maritimes. Dr. W.J. Hankey provides a masterly presentation on recent theological history and its problems, and suggests that the way forward would be a return to the Patristic mode of looking at the Scriptures. Bishop Terwilliger points the way forward by recalling the Church to its apostolic inheritance. Dr. R.D. Crouse points the way forward sacramentally. In addition, there are two fine sermons.
Church Polity and Authority (1984)
$ 8.00 (Wholesale Price $ 5.60)
Anyone interested in order and authority within the Anglican Church today should read this conference report. How can the "consensus fidelium" of the Church, as embodied in its official formularies, be reconciled with the concept of the "bishop in Synod", with the strong inclination to see bishops as chairmen or executive officers of a democratic synod, and the parish priest as a member of a parish corporation, with committees to decide matters of worship and "spirituality"?
The Prayer Book (1985)
$ 15.00 (Wholesale Price $ 12.00)
In this excellent report are papers on the Prayer Book in Theological and Historical Perspective, the Prayer Book and Devotional life, the use of Scripture in the Prayer Book Lectionary, the Prayer Book and pastoral work, as well as a paper on the Church in Sweden, and a sermon on Eucharistic doctrine in the Prayer Book. In a time of liturgical change, this is an important and valuable book.
Holy Living - Christian Morality Today (1986)
$ 8.00 (Wholesale Price $ 5.60)
Here is a noble attempt by a scholarly group of North American Christian leaders, to speak faithfully and cogently to the moral and ethical issues of our day and age. Faith is something to be lived. Moral theory is not enough; the Christian life must be lived. With articles by George & Sheila Grant, Robert Crouse, Philip E. Hughes and others, all thinking people will find much help in these 73 pages.
Rebuilding the House of God (1987)
$9.00 (Wholesale Price $6.30)
This volume is the result of two theological conferences, one at Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, the other at Rosemont, Pennsylvania. The topic of these conferences was: "The Lambeth Quadrilateral", first adopted by the American House of Bishops in 1886, then by the Bishops of the Anglican Communion in 1888. At these conferences there was a sharing of opinions on the "contemporary dilemma" (Bishop Leonard) in the light of the secularization of the Church in the modern world.
The Scriptures and Modern Christian Teaching (1988)
$10.00 (Wholesale Price $7.00)
Anglicans have long been spoken of as the people of two books: the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer. Article 6 of the Thirty-Nine Articles makes it quite clear how central the Holy Scriptures are to an Anglican understanding of the Catholic Faith. But questions are being raised today how are we to understand the Scriptures and how are we to teach them? Here are scholarly and thoughtful Christians providing answers. As Father John Pearce remarked: "The teaching of the New Testament is not achieved until it is assimilated into people's lives."
The Thirty-Nine Articles (1989)
$10.00 (Wholesale Price $7.00)
There was a time when every candidate for Holy Orders in the Canadian Church had to give sworn assent to the Thirty-Nine Articles before ordination. This is no longer required. Is this because, as Dr. Hankey suggests, those who hold power in the Anglican Church of Canada no longer hold "an Augustinian doctrine of sin and a Reformed doctrine of justification and grace"? In this book, reporting on a Theological Conference held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, strong supporters of the Thirty-Nine Articles are challenged by at least one Response. Well known evangelicals, The Rt. Rev'd C. FitzSimmons Allison, The Rev'd Dr. Philip Edgcumbe Hughes and the Rev'd Roger T. Beckwith all state their position. The Rev'd Dr. Robert Crouse presents the character and authority of the Thirty-Nine Articles. A church adrift would do well to look to its roots!
Atonement and Sacrifice: Doctrine and Worship (1990)
$10.00 (Wholesale Price $7.00)
How appropriate that this publication be dedicated to the memory of the late Dr. Philip Edgcumbe Hughes, scholar, author, teacher and stalwart evangelical. Well did he know the importance of Christian Teaching on Atonement and Sacrifice, both in Doctrine and in Worship! Drs. Rodney Whitacre, Wayne Hankey, and Robert Crouse all manifest great philosophical, biblical and theological scholarship. They have set forth their views in a lucid and helpful manner to all who heard them or read their papers. How good to have Australia Bishop Donald Cameron, and his contribution. The fifth major paper, by Dr. Gillian Evans of Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, has to do with 19th and 20th century developments. The "Responds" provide good food for thought. Every bishop, priest, theological student and lay reader or thinker within the Church should obtain a copy of this Conference Report.
Replenish the Earth: the Christian Theology of Nature (1991)
$10.00 (Wholesale Price $ 7.00)
This collection of papers examines the Christian understanding of creation and nature as expressed in Holy Scripture, the classical theologians, Renaissance art, and contemporary writers. Here is help for Christians who want to find out something of the Christian teaching regarding the relationship between the human race and nature.
The Holy Spirit (1992)
$10.00 (Wholesale Price $ 7.00)
This Conference began on the Day of Pentecost, and reflected the mood of the papers on various aspects of The Holy Spirit. Presenters of papers at this conference were such eminent theologians as Dr. J.I. Packer, Dr. Peter Toon, Professor James M. Houston, Dr. R.D. Crouse, and Dr. Lawrence Osborn. Two sermons are also included in this volume, one preached by Dr. Packer and the other by The Rev'd. Fr. Titus Oates, S.S.C.
Tradition: Received and Handed On (1993)
$10.00 (Wholesale Price $ 7.00)
This Conference was held in the 100th Anniversary Year of the Solemn Declaration of the First General Synod of the Church of England in Canada. Members of this Synod declared themselves "determined by the help of God to hold and maintain the Doctrine, Sacraments and Discipline of Christ as the Lord hath commanded in his Holy Word, and as the Church of England hath received and set forth the same... and to transmit the same unimpaired to our posterity." The topics covered at this Conference were Scripture and Tradition, Tradition and Development of Doctrine; Tradition and Christian Worship; Tradition, Language and Christian Spirituality; Tradition and Christian Renewal. Also included in this volume are the responses to the papers, and two fine sermons preached during the Conference.
Redeeming the Time: The Church and the Challenge of Secularity (1994)
$12.00 (Wholesale Price $ 8.40)
This Conference addressed the critical relation between the sacred and the secular. Though the secular is in origin a Christian idea, there are many in society and church who have no sense of the sacred, and how it is related to the things of God. This important question was addressed in topics including the Image of God, Biblical Interpretation, Christian Freedom and Institutional Life, and Redeeming Secularity. A worthwhile resource for students and scholars alike!
The Idea of the Church in Historical Development (1995)
$12.00 (Wholesale Price $ 8.40)
The history of the Church is lived out in response to God's Word, and understood in theological principle. The discussion of this theme included papers by Dr. Paul Epstein, Dr. Robert Crouse, Dr. G. Richmond Bridge, Bishop Geoffrey Rowell, and Fr. Barry Craig. Topics included Spiritual Community, Patristic Perspectives, The Idea of the Church in the Elizabethan Settlement, and the Future Church. Also included are the excellent responses to these papers, and the Conference Sermon.
Christian Anthropology: The Understanding of the Nature of Man in Relation to Trinitarian Theology (1996)
$14.00 (Wholesale Price $9.80)
This book contains the collection of papers delivered at the Atlantic Theological Conference in Halifax, N.S., in June 1996. The book includes papers by The Rev'd Dr. William Ralston, Dr. Colin Starnes, The Rev'd Dr. Robert Crousse, Dr. Michael Treschow, and Dr. Dennis House. Papers include, "The Biblical Account of Humanity", "The Doctrine of Man in the Church Fathers", "The Doctrine of Man in Medieval Theology", "The Reformers and their Understanding of Man", and "Christian Anthropology: The Modern View of Man".
"Who do you say that I am?" The Person and Mission of Jesus Christ (1997)
$13.00 (Wholesale Price $9.10)
The eleven essays contained in this book were presented to the seventeenth Atlantic Theological Conference in Fredericton, New Brunswick, in the late spring of 1997. They are an attempt to set the contemporary Christological debate in its theological context by exploring the Biblical, Patristic, Medieval, Reformation and Modern ideas about the person and mission of Jesus Christ. Indeed, this volume offers modern Christians a chance to “refresh their memories with ideas about Jesus and his saving work which ought not to be regarded as dead facts in the dustbin of theology but as living ways of knowing both Jesus and ourselves” (from Anthony Bassett's The Present Challenge of Preaching Christ Crucified, p. 3).
"No Power but of God" Political Theology: The Christian's Relation to the State (1998)
$15.00 (Wholesale Price $10.50)
The papers contained in this book were presented to the eighteenth Atlantic Theological Conference in Charlottetown, P.E.I., in June of 1998. The topic of the conference was "Political Theology". The thought-provoking essays in this volume present to Christians of today an opportunity to examine the difficult and important questions of the Christian's relation to the State, which have faced the Church since the earliest days of Christianity. As the Rev'd Gavin Dunbar says, "In one respect, the coming of the Kingdom of God in Christ, on earth as it is in heaven, brings a long story to its close...Yet on the other hand, the coming of the Kingdom raises a whole host of new questions and opportunities, new challenges and problems. The question is not whether the Kingdom has come, but how that coming shall be understood, and what its implications are for the ordering of human life." (from No Power but of God p.17).
"Take thou authority..." The Theology of the Ordained Ministry in the Church Today. (1999)
$15.00 (Wholesale Price $10.50)
This book contains the collection of papers delivered at the Atlantic Theological Conference in Halifax, N.S., in June 1999. The book includes articles by the Rev'd Dr. Harry Robinson, The Rev'd Dr. Robert Crouse, The Rev'd Ronald Bagnall, and The Rev'd Dr. Peter Toon. The essays in this volume present to church members of the present day a thought-provoking look at the questions and controversies pertaining to this important subject. As the Rev'd Dr. Harry Robinson says, "The almost perpetual crisis in the theological understanding of the ordained ministry is the sacramental nature of that ministry. The outward and visible can so easily obscure the inward and spiritual, as the outward and visible marks of authority so easily hide the absence of the inward and spiritual authority."
"I am the Alpha and the Omega" Jesus for a New Millennium (2000)
$15.00 (Wholesale Price $10.50)
The papers contained in this book were presented to the Twentieth Atlantic Theological Conference, held in Fredericton, N.B., in June of 2000. The topic of the conference was Christian eschatology, and the conference had the title "I am the Alpha and the Omega"—Jesus for a New Millennium. Papers were presented by the Rev'd Dale Petley, Dr. Mary Elizabeth Smith, the Rev'd Dr. Robert Crouse, and others.
The essays in this volume present to church members of the present day a thought-provoking look at the questions and controversies pertaining to this important theological topic. As the Rev'd Dale Petley says, "One notes...the tension between what is already and what is not yet. For Christians the Christ has come...There is within the New Testament the proclamation of a victory that has already been, as well as an eschatological hope for a blessedness and ultimate victory yet to come. For Christian Apocalyptists the ultimate victory is the Kingdom of Heaven." (p. 19).
"The Journey Home" Sin and Grace (2001)
$15.00 (Wholesale Price $10.50)
The papers contained in this book were presented to the Twenty-first Atlantic Theological Conference, held in Charlottetown, P.E.I., in June of 2001. The topic of the conference was "The Journey Home: Sin and Grace". The essays in this volume present a thought-provoking look at the questions and controversies pertaining to the subject of sin and grace. As Dr. Paul Epstein says (page 1) "The developed Christian doctrine of sin and grace indicates in what way the divine freedom is comprehensive of human freedom... Tremendous disputes about this doctrine have arisen, involving the questions of free will and predestination, and dividing the various Christian communions and causing rifts within them." The Rev'd Gavin Dunbar says (page 80) "The very darkness of our sins is only known in its full extent because of the shining of the true light that is Christ. The centre of our preaching and our praying must be the 'tender love' of God towards man, manifested in the gift of his Son 'to suffer death upon the Cross for our redemption.'"
Providence: The Will of God in Human Affairs (2002)
$20.00 (Wholesale Price $14.00)
This conference explored the concept of divine providence: How are we to understand God's presence in history, and his eternal purposes being worked out in the fullness of time? As the Rev'd Stephen Andrews points out, "The question of whether the God who thus providentially rules is good arises naturally for human beings. But Christians point to the cross and resurrection of Christ as the resolution to that problem—not because these events reveal the good in every apparent evil, but because they offer the certainty that this will one day be seen. In the meantime, the providence of God means that believers endure trials in patience and hope, knowing that ‘all things work together for good to them that love God.' " (Romans 8.28).
Iconography: The Use of Art in Christian Worship (2003)
$20.00 (Wholesale Price $14.00)
This book contains the collection of papers delivered at the 23rd Annual Atlantic Theological Conference in Charlottetown, P.E.I. in June 2003. The book includes articles by Dr. Mary Elizabeth Smith, The Rev'd Dr. Robert Crouse, The Rev'd Dr. Thomas Curran, Dr. Paul Epstein, Mr. Peter Bryson, and Mr. Christopher Snook. This Conference explored the subject of Iconography and the use of art in Christian worship and devotion. Topics covered include 'Iconography in Early Christianity', 'Icons and Iconoclasm in the 8th Century', 'Chartres Cathedral—Supernatural Reality of the Here and Now', 'The Iconography of Christian Empire from Constantine to Frederick II' and 'Rembrandt & the Art of Painting in a Reformed Culture'.
Multiculturalism and Religious Freedom (2004)
$22.00 (Wholesale Price $15.40)
This book contains the collection of papers delivered at the Atlantic Theological Conference in Fredericton, New Brunswick, in June 2004. The book includes articles by The Rev'd Dr. Carsten Peter Thiede, Dr. Paul Epstein, Dr. Wayne Hankey, The Rev'd Dr. Thomas Curran, Dr. Floy Doull, and Archdeacon Patrick Curran. This conference considered the subject of multiculturalism and religious freedom—a topic which should be of great interest and concern in our world today. Several interesting and thought-provoking perspectives on this subject were presented. Dr. Floy Doull, in concluding her paper, said, "It follows from what has been said that the foundation for a knowledge of human freedom is the Trinitarian doctrine of the Christian religion. Although the grounds for this knowledge were present since the revelation of the Christian religion, it required the mediation of history and the emergence of Christian institutions for this knowledge to become our own. God's Trinitarian life as the foundation for our Trinitarian life, God's self-determination as the paradigm for our self-determination, was the source of seventeenth and eighteenth century doctrines of the equality of all men, their inalienable rights to 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,' of a universal humanity which transcends differences of race, language, culture and creed."
Christian Friendship (2005)
$25.00 (Wholesale Price $17.50)
This book contains the collection of papers delivered at the 25th Annual Atlantic Theological Conference, held in Halifax, N. S., in June 2005. The book includes papers presented by Dr. Edith Humphrey, Dr. Gary McGonagill, Dr. Dennis House, Dr. Peter O'Brien, The Rev'd Dr. Robert Crouse, Dr. Paul Epstein, and The Rev'd Dr. Gary Thorne. This Conference explored the subject of Christian friendship. The papers presented include "God's Revelation and Re-creation, through Friendship", "Plato's Doctrine of Eros", "The Goddess of Love in the Poetry of Rome", "Love and Friendship in Medieval Theology", and "Friendship and the Good Life". The latter paper, by Dr. Thorne, considered the contemporary response to the notion of friendship, and looked at some of our contemporary dilemmas.
Reform and Renewal in Contemporary Christianity (2006)
$20.00 (Wholesale Price $14.00)
The papers delivered at the 26th Annual Atlantic Theological Conference are contained in this book. The conference was held in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, in June of 2006. The book includes papers presented by The Rev'd Dr. Robert Crouse, Dr. Neil Robertson, The Rev'd Father James Mallon, The Rev'd Dr. Thomas Curran, and Bishop Fitzsimons Allison. At the conference, these five speakers addressed the subject of reform and renewal in contemporary Christianity, exploring the topic from a number of perspectives. The papers presented include "The Idea of Reform in Christian Tradition", "Reformation as Renewal: The New and the Old in Luther", "Benedict and the Reform of the Reform", "Goethe's Werther: Reaction and Revision" and "Anglican Repentance: Renewing the Power to Love".
Justification and Sanctification (2007)
$20.00 (Wholesale Price $14.00)
The papers delivered at the 27th Annual Atlantic Theological Conference are contained in this book. The conference was held in Fredericton, New Brunswick, in May of 2007. The book includes papers presented by The Rev' Dr. Robert Crouse, Dr. Anthony Esolen, The Rev'd Dr. Roger Beckwith, Dr. Paul Epstein, and The Rev'd Dr. Peter Toon. At the conference, these five speakers addressed the subject of Justification and Sanctification, exploring the topic from a number of perspectives. The papers presented include "Justification and Sanctification in the Thought of St. Paul and St. Augustine", "Sanctification in Dante's Purgatorio", "A Reformation Account of Justification and Sanctification" and "Justification by Faith and Dynamic Equivalency: Pauline doctrine and the contemporary church". Within the opening pages of his paper, Dr. Robert Crouse poses questions with which the ensuing papers all in one way or another grapple: "Are we justified simply by God's merciful decree, in view of the infinite merit of Christ's sacrifice, or does our justification also imply some working of righteousness in our souls, whereby we freely co-operate in God's work for our salvation? In other words, is God's gift of justification simply declarative, or is it also creative? Is God's righteousness simply imparted to us for Christ's sake, or is his righteousness in some way imparted to us as we live in Christ? Are we merely accounted just, or are we actually made just? And are those really alternatives?" (page 1)
Christian Psychology: The Formation of Souls (2008)
$25.00 (Wholesale Price $17.50)
The topic of the 2008 Atlantic Theological Conference held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, was "Christian Psychology: The Formation of Souls". The thought-provoking papers given at that conference and included in this volume are offered in thanksgiving for the seminal and ongoing contribution to these conferences of The Rev'd Dr. Robert Crouse. His papers, and also his presence, have provided an abiding inspiration and encouragement to those in attendance over the years. Here we let him speak for himself: "Paradise is only possible if the soul is 'transhumanized'... only if if the intellect is enabled by faith to fix its vision upon the eternal Good; only if the will is strengthened by hope to pursue that Good; only if the powers of the soul are united in that eternal Charity, that divine 'amor' which moves the sun and the other stars." (page 120 of this volume).
Changing our Mind on Secularization: The Contemporary Debate about Sacred and Secular in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (2009)
$15.00 (Wholesale Price $10.50)
The 2009 Atlantic Theological Conference was held in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. The topic was "Changing our Mind on Secularization". This conference explored the topic of the contemporary debate about sacred and secular in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The book includes all the papers that were presented at the conference, including papers by Dr. Wayne Hankey, The Rev'd Dr. Gary Thorne, Dr. Peter O'Brien, The Rev'd Dr. Thomas Curran, Mr. Peter Bryson, Dr. Alexander Treiger, Dr. Bruce Gordon, and Dr. Eli Diamond. 208 pages.
Knit together in one communion: Anglican Identity and the Challenge of Diversity (2010)
$15.00 (Wholesale Price $10.50)
The 2010 Atlantic Theological Conference was held in Moncton, New Brunswick. The topic was "Anglican Identity and the Challenge of Diversity". We hope that the papers presented at this conference will provide Anglicans with helpful background for grappling with some of the questions facing us within Anglicanism in our current day. The papers presented include the following topics: "Anglican Identity; A Retrospective Glance", "The Anglican Instruments of Communion: a Theological Approach", "Matters Essential and Indifferent in Sixteenth Century English Theology", "Let us thus think of the Trinity: Matters Essential and Matters Indifferent in Seventeenth Century English Theology", "Word and Books: A Discussion of the Importance of Education to Unity in Doctrine" and "The Prayer Book as Matrix of Unity".
Recognizing the Sacred in the Modern Secular: How the sacred is to be discovered in today's world (2011)
$15.00 (Wholesale Price $10.50)
The 2011 Atlantic Theological Conference was held in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The topic was "Recognizing the Sacred in the Modern Secular". This is a topic which should be of interest to Christians of the present day. The papers presented at the Conference and printed in this book include the following topics: "The Emergence of Modern Ascetism and Contemporary Christian Community", "The Sacred in Narrative and Fiction", "Challenges to Belief in the 21st Century", "Visio: The Method of Robert Crouse's Philosophical Theology", "Paradise Abides - Robert Crouse and the Preaching of the Sacred in the Modern Secular". This volume is dedicated to the memory of the late Rev'd Dr. Robert Crouse. 183 pages.
The New Atheism (2012)
$15.00 (Wholesale Price $10.50)
The 2012 Atlantic Theological Conference was held in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. (This was the 32nd annual conference). The topic was "The New Atheism". We hope that the papers presented at the conference and found in this volume will prove to be helpful in our understanding of Scripture, as well as providing a useful response to the arguments and assertions of the New Atheists. As Dr. Gary Thorne says in his paper: "The New Atheists challenge us to see the importance of our modern view of Scripture. Generally speaking, we have lost the hermeneutic that allows the Scripture to speak to us of the supernatural, and to transform our lives. We read the Bible in a one-dimensional, naturalistic and scientific way that either makes us Fundamentalists or causes us to reject the Bible as outdated and inadequate." 200 pages.
The Biblical Job: Comfort, Righteousness, Holiness (2013)
$15.00 (Wholesale Price $10.50)
The 2013 Atlantic Theological Conference was held in Fredericton, New Brunswick. (This was the 33rd annual conference). The topic was "The Biblical Job: Comfort, Righteousness, Holiness". Speakers at the conference included Dr. Thomas Curran, Dr. Neil Robertson, Father Christopher Snook, and The Rev'd Lisa Wang. The Book of Job raises many profound theological questions, which were addressed in the papers presented at this conference. We see the rain fall on the just as well as on the unjust, and we are troubled and wonder how this can happen under God's Providence. In his Response to Father Christopher Snook's paper, The Rev'd Dr. Brian Spence examines some of the important questions raised by a close reading of the Book of Job. He writes: "How can the Book of Job assist us in speaking to our contemporaries about suffering and belief in God? How might it inspire our pastoral practice? And finally, what kind of Christian faith and practice is meant to emerge from a decidedly Christian way of reading this book, as part of the Hebrew and Christian canons of the Bible?" 145 pages
The Meaning of Evil (2014)
$15.00 (Wholesale Price $10.50)
The 2014 Atlantic Theological Conference was held in Halifax at the University of King's College. (This was the 34th annual conference). "The Meaning of Evil" was the challenging theme being addressed in the papers that were presented. Speakers included Rev'd Dr. Brian Spence, Dr. Robert Kennedy, Dr. Matthew Robinson, Dr. Neil Robertson, and Dr. Daniel Brandes. Dr. Spence spoke on "Disobedience and Idolatry: The meaning of evil in the Bible". Dr. Kennedy spoke on "Augustine and the very possibility of evil". Dr. Robinson spoke about "Aquinas' account of the will's freedom in the De malo", Dr. Robertson's topic was "The Evil 'I': The transformation of evil in the Reformation and Enlightenment", and Dr. Brandes' paper was called "Unpunishable and/so Unforgivable: Hannah Arendt on Radical Evil". Other papers were presented as well, and also responses to the papers, all of which gave interesting and thought-provoking insights into this challenging subject.
The Outward Sense Befriending: The Beautiful, the True, and the Good (2015)
$20.00 (Wholesale Price $14.00)
The 2015 Atlantic Theological Conference was held in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, at St. Peter's Cathedral. (This was the 35th annual conference). The topic was "The Beautiful, the True, and the Good". Our speakers offered interesting and engaging papers and the discussion that followed the papers was particularly lively. As Dr. Anthony Esolen, one of our speakers so beautifully said, "...beauty is a grace, a free and freedom-making gift. Beauty in its being-beyond, in its splendid gratuity, directs our eyes and our hearts to the Giver of all good things and the Father of lights. It does so not merely that we may enjoy it, but that we may participate in it; the teacher shows us how to be beautiful ourselves".
The Church Visible and Invisible: "The Blessed Company of All Faithful People" (2016)
$20.00 (Wholesale Price $14.00)
The 2016 Atlantic Theological Conference was held in Sackville, New Brunswick, at St. Paul's Anglican Church. (This was the 36th annual conference). The topic was "The Church Visible and Invisible". We are grateful to our speakers for their interesting and thought-provoking papers and for the way in which they developed the theme as the conference progressed. As one of our speakers, Dr Roberta Barker, said, "If we believe with Aquinas that '[b]ecause all believers are one body, the good of one member is communicated to another,' then the 'blessed company of all faithful people' may share alike in the spiritual life of paradise, whether they seek it in pilgrimage on earth or enjoy it fully in the heavenly kingdom."
God Every Day and Everywhere (2017)
$20.00 (Wholesale Price $14.00)
The 2017 Atlantic Theological Conference was held at the University of King's College, Halifax, N.S. The title of the Conference was "God Every Day and Everywhere", and was held immediately following, and in conjunction with, a conference "Wisdom Belongs to God", sponsored by the Dalhousie Classics Department. Our speakers provided thought-provoking and engaging papers. The discussion following the papers was wide-ranging and lively. Papers presented at the conference included, "Aristotle's living God and its mortal limitations: incipiently Trinitarian?", "Augustine's Trinitarian Cosmos", and "Journalism and Theology: Our Recent Rediscovery of Islam". Near the end of his paper, one of the speakers, Dr. Wayne Hankey, said, "We started our journey by considering the Trinities Augustine explicates. Then, restarting from the bottom, we found the Trinitarian God everywhere and empowering our everyday existences. Our life and that of the cosmos is in God and by God. God is to be discerned, reverenced, and thanked everywhere". 238 pages.
Memory: Its Persistence and Loss in Christian Community (2018)
$25.00 (Wholesale Price $17.50)
The 2018 Atlantic Theological Conference was held at St. Paul’s Church, Sackville, New Brunswick. (This was the 38th annual conference). The title of the Conference was "Memory: Its Persistence and Loss in Christian Community". The papers presented by the speakers were interesting and timely and the discussion following the papers was wide-ranging and lively. Papers presented at the conference included "The Role of Memory in St. Augustine's Trinity", "Memory and Christian Living: Recollection and the Book of Common Prayer" and "The Loss of Memory and the Human Person: Caring for our Loved Ones with Dementia". The first speaker, The Rev'd Dr. Terence Kleven, in the opening paper about the Scriptural account of divine and human memory, had this to say: "How does one teach the assent to Christian truths unless we have a liturgy deeply rooted in the importance of memory and a liturgical calendar which infuses every day with patterns of actions and words to be remembered? We are shaped by the words of our Bibles and Prayer Books. Innovation and continual liturgical change will work against memory and perhaps it is intended to do so. We will never know a psalm if we are always saying alternative translations. Scriptural and liturgical texts will have to be in an English that is intellectually rigorous and rhythmic, thought and feeling at once, in order to be learned thoroughly and to sustain us from baptism to burial". 210 pages.
Upon this Rock: St. Peter in the Scriptures and Christian Tradition, and in the Life of the Church (2019)
$25.00 (Wholesale Price $17.50)
The 2019 Atlantic Theological Conference was held at St. Peter's Cathedral, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, June 26 - 29. (This was the 39th annual conference). The title of the Conference was "Upon this Rock: St. Peter in the Scriptures and Christian Tradition, and in the Life of the Church". The Conference was scheduled so as to coincide with the 150th anniversary of the founding of St. Peter's Cathedral. The papers presented included "St. Peter in the Scriptures and the Church Fathers", "The Faith of St. Peter in Richard Hooker's Lawes and Sermons", and "That they all may be one: Contributions of the Anglican Churches to Ecumenism". Speakers included Bishop Stephen Andrews, The Rev'd Canon Alyson Barnett-Cowan, and Professor Alan Hall. Bishop Anthony Burton preached a sermon (included in this book) which outlined the story of the founding of St. Peter's Cathedral in 1869, and the ongoing witness of that parish over the years until the present day. It took longer than usual to prepare this report for publication, due to the arrival of the COVID-19 virus and the ensuing worldwide pandemic which made many regular and routine tasks complicated or impossible. In his paper, Bishop Stephen Andrews reminds us that St. Peter "stands at the top of the list of the Eleven in the beginning of the post-resurrection account of the Church and he takes the initiative in setting the terms for the replacement of Judas as one of the Twelve. His authority also covers the area of church discipline..." "…and perhaps most significantly Peter receives direct revelation from God" which guides his ministry. 186 pages.
Burning Churches and Sacred Spaces (2021)
$25.00 (Wholesale Price $17.50)
St. Peter Publications is pleased to present the Report of the Annual Atlantic Theological Conference, which met in June 2021 at St. George's (Round) Church in Halifax after a one-year delay due to a province-wide shutdown in Nova Scotia on account of the COVID pandemic in 2020. The title of this Fortieth Conference was Burning Churches and Sacred Spaces. Because of ongoing restrictions related to the continuing presence of COVID in our community in 2021, we chose to make our proceedings available to viewers online via YouTube link, in addition to having a small number of local people able to attend the conference in person at St. George's. Those of our speakers who live in Nova Scotia were able to offer their papers in person at the church and those who lived outside the province—even just "next door" in New Brunswick—offered their papers online. We wish to thank all of our speakers for their fine papers, including Terry Waite, speaking from England via YouTube link. Other speakers included Dr. Daniel Driver, Dr. Christopher Elson, The Rev'd Dr. Terence Kleven, Dr. Neil Robertson and Susan Harris. A sermon by the late Father Robert Crouse was read during the Conference Eucharist and is included in this volume. 207 pages.
Plague, Perseverance, Providence: Adversity and the Christian Response to Adversity (2022)
$25.00 (Wholesale Price $17.50)
St. Peter Publications is happy to present the Report of the Annual Atlantic Theological Conference, which met June 26-29, 2022 at St. Paul's Church in Sackville, New Brunswick. The title of this Forty-first Conference was Plague, Perseverance, Providence: Adversity and the Christian Response to Adversity. We are grateful to all of our speakers for their labour of love in providing such thoughtful papers for our consideration. To quote some of the helpful words of Father Colin Nicolle's paper: "The message of plagues in Scripture, I think, the message of Exodus, of St. James' Epistle, and even of the rites for the visitation to the sick, is the importance of listening amid our suffering for the presence and guidance of God, that nothing which we may call evil in our lives falls outside of His redemption." Once again, this year, in addition to in person attendance at the conference in Sackville, viewers were able to take in our proceedings online via YouTube link. The papers from this conference continue to be available on the Atlantic Theological Conference YouTube Channel: https://atlantictheologicalconference.ca/conference-schedule-copy . Susan Harris again served as our editor, for which we are thankful, and we are also grateful to Amy Bird for her layout editing for a second year. In addition, our thanks are extended to Father Colin Nicolle, who manages our online presence on the internet, thus helping to extend participation in the conference beyond the physical walls of its location. 177 pages.
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Images of Pilgrimage: Paradise and Wilderness in Christian Spirituality
By Dr. Robert D. Crouse
A compelling exposition on the theme of pilgrimage in both pagan and Christian literature, and how the Christian message teaches us that the loss of paradise is a matter of choice, not fate. The wilderness, the author postulates, is continually a source of spiritual renewal, a contradiction which finds its greatest expression in the Cross, at once a tree of death but also of glory. The lure of the secular world is likened to a return to neo-paganism, and the book concludes with the evocation of the conversion of St. Augustine, "that great exemplar of Christian pilgrimage".
A Commentary on the Prayer Book Lectionary COMMON PRAYER COMMENTARIES:
This is a series of "Commentaries" that grew out of the labours of the Rev'd Gary Thorne, then Rector of Rawdon, Nova Scotia. Fr. Thorne originally published the first volume on a weekly basis for distribution to sixty readers, but found the resources of his parish could not keep up with the demand that they inspired!
Individual "comments" are provided for the First and Second Lessons of both Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer of every day in the Christian year. These volumes were originally compiled by a number of clergy including G.W.A. Thorne, R.U. Smith, B.L. Craig, J. Matheson, David P. Curry, W.J. Hankey, and others. The Chairman of St. Peter Publications, The Rev'd Peter Harris, assisted by various others, has undertaken the ongoing work of revision of the various volumes. Volume 3 was revised and re-printed in October 1998. A revised Volume 4 was printed in December 1999, and a revised Volume 5 was printed in Summer of 2000. More recently, a new and revised edition of Volume 1 was published in October of 2002. A revision of Volume 2 was printed in January 2015.
This series makes a wonderful means of "reading with understanding" the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament in the context of daily prayer.Volume 1: Advent - Epiphany $20.00 (Wholesale Price $14.50)
Volume 2: Septuagesima - Easter Even $20.00 (Wholesale Price $14.50)
Volume 3: Easter - Pentecost $15.00 (Wholesale Price $10.50)
Volume 4: Trinity Sunday to Trinity XII $20.00 (Inquire about wholesale price)
Volume 5: Trinity XIII to Trinity XXVI $20.00 (Inquire about wholesale price)
Common Prayer - Volume 6: Parochial Homilies for the Eucharist based on the Lectionary of the Book of Common Prayer. Including many sermons by the Rev'd Dr. Robert Crouse, as well as sermons by The Rev'd John Matheson, The Rev'd Dr. Thomas Curran, and others.
$15.00 (Wholesale price: $10.50)
With the collection of homilies & sermons for every Sunday in the Church year in Common Prayer 6, the editors seek a regeneration of the tradition of Lectionary commentary which once united a broad spectrum of Christians. Many of these homilies were chosen for the way in which they demonstrate the rich relationship between the Epistle and Gospel of each Sunday.
A Commentary on the Psalms
by Mrs. Carolyn Westin, the Rev'd Michael W. Hawkins, & the Rev'd Peter T. Young
$ 15.00 (Inquire about wholesale price)
Do you ever read the Psalms and wonder what they mean? We now have an easy-to-read commentary for all 150 Psalms. By understanding the meaning of the Psalms you will find enjoyment in one of the most beautiful books of the Bible, the Prayer-Book of Jesus.
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Anglicansby The Rev'd E.S. MacDonald
$1.00 (Wholesale Price $0.60)
A straightforward exposition in just eleven pages of what is uniquely Anglican: its Catholic heritage; the priestly role of its clergy ordained in an unbroken succession of bishops originating with the Apostles; its sacramental and liturgical nature, and the influence of that nature on the architecture of its churches. In conclusion, Anglicanism is portrayed as a world-wide communion, and the pamphlet ends with an invitation to the reader to come to an Anglican church to find out more.
Ash Wednesday Meditations
by The Right Rev'd A.G. Peters
$1.00 (Wholesale Price $0.60)
A compilation of four talks given by Bishop Arthur Peters at St. Peter's Cathedral, Charlottetown, P.E.I. Hope is the essential message of these four very readable homilies: hope in the expectation of life beyond the grave, as exemplified by the Resurrection; hope in the belief that we, too, can become aware of Jesus Christ as the Apostles did at Pentecost, hope for the development of a love for God like that found in a good marriage; and hope for the growth of a fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
The Four Last Things
by The Rev'd Canon H.M.D. Westin
$1.00 (Wholesale Price $0.60)
Death is a reality which everyone must face. The Holy Scriptures have much to say about death. Numerous passages in Holy Scripture speak about what are traditionally referred to as the "four last things"—death, judgement, heaven, and hell. This brief pamphlet by Canon Westin explains these four subjects, and reminds us that, for the Christian, life is an exciting journey, which begins in this world, and finds its fullness and completion in the life of the world to come. The Christian believer is upheld by the belief that Jesus Christ died for our sins, and rose again, overcoming death and sin. We are reminded of St. Paul's description of baptism as our entry into Christ's tomb, and our death as the imitation of his resurrection.
The Seven Sacraments
by The Rev'd E.S. MacDonald
$1.00 (Wholesale Price $0.60)
The Christian faith is fundamentally a sacramental religion. This brochure explains how the sacraments imply a concept of sacrifice which is necessary to enter into the presence of God. However, it is through the ordinary materials of bread and wine and oil and water that we are able to achieve an intersection of "the eternal with time".
The Forgiveness of Sins
by The Rev'd Canon T.A. Smith
$1.00 (Wholesale Price $0.60)
This treatise traces the Sacrament of Penance through the Book of Common Prayer back to the Scriptural admonition of St. James to "confess your faults to one another". Although sacramental confession is by no means obligatory for Anglicans, it is presented as an opportunity for spiritual growth, and we are reminded that an awareness of sin is essential for a healthy spiritual life.
Ten More Questions Concerning The Book of Alternative Services by the Rev'd Roger Beckwith, the Rev'd Dr. Robert Crouse, and others.
$0.60 (Wholesale Price $0.36)
This tract portrays the BAS (Book of Alternative Services, 1985) as a complete break with the Prayer Book tradition rather than a revision, relying as it does on misinterpretation of the beliefs of the Anglican Reformers. The BAS, it is maintained, is a product of that school of thought that denies any "heavenly perception" of communion with Christ in the Eucharist. The true evaluation of the BAS, say the authors, should be doctrinal and not a matter of whether the congregation likes it. The change in liturgy offered by the BAS is portrayed as a change in theology.
Simple Devotions for God's People $0.50 (Wholesale Price $0.30) (Temporarily out of stock)
Family Prayers for God's People $0.50 (Wholesale Price $0.30)
Two prayer cards conveniently sized for wallets or pockets. A devotional aid to your everyday life.
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Latimer House Publications
Latimer House, Oxford is a centre for study and research. It is committed to the ideal of creatively applying Biblical and Reformation theology to the ongoing life of the Church of England and the Anglican Communion.
Latimer Studies are a series of contributions on various subjects of topical concern, edited by the staff of Latimer House, Oxford. (No wholesale prices are available on these publications).
Latimer Series # 1 The Evangelical Anglican Identity Problem - An analysis by J.I. Packer $6.95Latimer Series # 3 The Doctrine of Justification in the Church of England by R.A. Leaver $4.75
Latimer Series # 4 Justification Today: The Roman Catholic and Anglican Debate by R.G. England $4.75
Latimer Series # 5/6 Homosexuals in the Christian Fellowship by D.J. Atkinson $9.95
Latimer Series # 7 Nationhood: towards a Christian Perspective by O.R. Johnston $4.75
Latimer Series # 9 Confessing the Faith in the Church of England Today by R.T. Beckwith $4.75
Latimer Series # 12 Rome and Reformation Today: how Luther speaks to the new situation by James Atkinson $4.75
Latimer Series # 13 Music as Preaching: Bach, Passions and Music in Worship by Robin A. Leaver $6.95
Latimer Series # 14 Jesus Through Other Eyes: Christology in Multi-Faith Context by C.A. Lamb $4.75
Latimer Series # 15 Church and State Under God by James Atkinson $4.75
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Other Publications
The Sarum Missal
$6.00 St. Peter Publications version. Softcover.
The Sarum Missal, i.e., the liturgy according to the Use of Salisbury, was the most popular form of service in England in the Middle Ages, more so than the rival Uses of York and Hereford, the only other two printed missals. It is said to have been compiled by Bishop Osmund soon after the Norman Conquest of England. It thus provided the standard form of liturgy, especially in England, until the Reformation. Later, it provided Archbishop Thomas Cranmer with the basis on which to compile the eucharistic rite of 1549, in the first Book of Common Prayer.The purpose of this present shortened English rendering is to make readily available the structure of the Sarum Use, reducing the prolix rubrics to a bare minimum compatible with necessity. Thus the more common form of mass on Sundays has here been followed. It reveals the essentials of the rite, yet it is complete and sufficient in that it could be used liturgically today. Those interested in comparative liturgy will find it useful, and especially as liturgical source material.
An Order for Holy Week (not currently available)
This Order for Holy Week derives mainly from the rites set forth in the Sarum Use. Where Sarum had seemed to prolong the services beyond the requirements of today's congregations, excisions have been made accordingly without affecting the basic structure. Consideration has also been given to the inclusion of post-Sarum additions such as the renewal of baptismal vows in the Order for Holy Saturday, so that some aspects of current usage might be retained as being familiar and meeting a contemporary need. The purpose of this present Order is to restore and provide traditional rites in good liturgical English, for practical use by priest and people.
The Treatise on the Apostolic Tradition of St. Hippolytus of Rome
edited by Gregory Dix and Henry Chadwick $20.00 (out of stock)
It is now generally recognized that the Apostolic Tradition of St. Hippolytus is the most illuminating single source of evidence extant concerning the inner life and religious polity of the early Christian Church. Its study is likely to bring about considerable changes in many currently accepted conceptions of primitive Church Order, changes which would already be taking place were it not for the difficulty of studying the treatise itself. It is an unfortunate fact that its text has reached us in a more deplorably battered condition than that of any other important early Christian document.
This edition has been prepared to bring out the value of this treatise for the study of early Christian institutions and the spirit of the primitive Church. An historical Introduction has been added for those who have no previous acquaintance with the work, also a discussion of the textual materials and some notes on readings adopted.
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Why not enhance your Evening Prayer service by setting the Canticles to music? St. Peter Publications now offers two original arrangements of both the 'Magnificat' and the "Nunc Dimittis".
Collegium Regale: Magnificat, Tone I.l and Nunc Dimittis, Tone I.4
Faux Bourdons and accompaniment by Dr. F. A. Reesor Price $ 0.75
Sancti Angeli Custodes: Magnificat, Tone VIII.2. and Nunc Dimittis, Tone IV.2.
Faux Bourdons by Professor Carl Mathis.
Price $0.50
Set to Music by JOHN MERBECKE in the year 1550 with Organ Accompaniment by HEALEY WILLAN $4.75
A small (Hymn-book) size melody edition of the same music-- $0.50
MUSIC for the Proper Prefaces
compiled by JOHN COZENS $4.00
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An Act of Faith: The Founding of St. Peter's Cathedral
By Peter Westin
soft cover, 195 pp., $12.00. (wholesale $8.40)
Peter Westin's account of the first fifty years of St. Peter's Cathedral, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island (founded in 1869) explores the early history of one of the first parishes in Canada inspired by the Oxford Movement. It looks at the lives of the parishioners, teachers and clergy involved with the founding of St. Peter's Cathedral, as they struggled to maintain the newly rediscovered Catholic heritage of Anglicanism in the Canadian Maritimes.
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For the 2023 calendar, orders of 25 or more are only $7.25 per calendar (plus postage and handling). For fewer than 25, the Calendars are $7.75 each (plus postage and handling). A CANADIAN ANGLICAN CHURCH CALENDAR
Our calendars are original and unique. They feature colour paintings of Anglican churches throughout Canada. This calendar follows closely that found in the Canadian Book of Common Prayer (1962). Each day's square provides plenty of room for making notes on your calendar. Orders of 25 or more get a wholesale price per calendar. (See above).
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