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The Theological Conference
Report Series 1983-2012
5.00 150th Anniversary of the Oxford Movement- The Way Forward
9.00 Church Polity and Authority
8.00 The Prayer Book
8.00 Holy Living - Christian Morality Today
9.00 Rebuilding the House of God
10.00 The Scriptures and Modern Christian Teaching
10.00 The Thirty-Nine Articles
10.00 Atonement and Sacrifice: Doctrine and Worship
10.00 Replenish the Earth: the Christian Theology of Nature
10.00 The Holy Spirit
10.00 Tradition: Received and Handed On
12.00 Redeeming the Time: The Church and the Challenge of Secularity
12.00 The Idea of the Church in Historical Development
14.00 Christian Anthropology: The Trinitarian Theology of Man
13.00 "Who do you say that I am?" The Person and Mission of Jesus Christ
15.00 "No Power But of God" Political Theology: The Christian's Relation to the State
15.00 "Take thou Authority...": The Theology of the Ordained Ministry in the Church Today
15.00 "I am the Alpha and the Omega" Jesus for a New Millennium
15.00 "The Journey Home" Sin and Grace
20.00 "Providence: The Will of God in Human Affairs"
20.00 "Iconography: The Use of Art in Christian Worship"
22.00 "Multiculturalism and Religious Freedom"
25.00 "Christian Friendship"
20.00 "Reform and Renewal in Contemporary Christianity"
20.00 "Justification and Sanctification"
25.00 "Christian Psychology: The Formation of Souls"
15.00 "Changing our Mind on Secularization: The Contemporary debate about sacred and secular in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam"
15.00 "Knit together in one communion: Anglican Identity and the Challenge of Diversity"
15.00 "Recognizing the Sacred in the Modern Secular: How the sacred is to be discovered in today's world"
15.00 "The New Atheism"
15.00 "The Biblical Job: Comfort, Righteousness, Holiness"
15.00 "The Meaning of Evil"
20.00 "The Outward Sense Befriending: The Beautiful, the True, and the Good"
20.00 "The Church Visible and Invisible: The Blessed Company of All Faithful People"
20.00 "God Every Day and Everywhere"
25.00 "Memory: Its Persistence and Loss in Christian Community"
25.00 "Upon this Rock: St. Peter in the Scriptures and Christian Tradition, and in the Life of the Church"
[Note: For the book about "Christian Friendship" and the book about "Christian Psychology", the price includes the cost of shipping and handling]
Retreat Address8.00 Images of Pilgrimage: Paradise and Wilderness in Christian Spirituality
Common Prayer Commentaries
15.00 Volume 1: Advent - Epiphany
9.00 Volume 2: Septuagesima - Easter (Out of print til new edition available)
15.00 Volume 3: Easter - Pentecost
20.00 Volume 4: Trinity Sunday to Trinity XII
20.00 Volume 5: Trinity XIII to Trinity XXVI
10.00 Common Prayer - Volume 6: Parochial Homilies for the Eucharist based on the Lectionary of the Book of Common Prayer, edited by W.J. Hankey, Patricia Chalmers and Elizabeth Eayrs
15.00 A Commentary on the Psalms by C. Westin, M.W. Hawkins, and P.T. Young
1.00 Anglicans by The Reverend Eric MacDonald
1.00 Ash Wednesday Meditations by The Right Reverend A.G. Peters
1.00 The Four Last Things by The Reverend Canon H.M.D. Westin
1.00 The Seven Sacraments by The Reverend Eric MacDonald
1.00 The Forgiveness of Sins by The Reverend Canon T.A. Smith
.60 Ten More Questions Concerning The Book of Alternative Services by the Reverend Dr. R.D. Crouse & others
.50 Simple Devotions for God's People
.50 Family Prayers for God's People
Latimer House Publications
4.75 Series #1 The Evangelical Anglican Identity Problem - an analysis By J.I. Packer
4.75 Series #3 The Doctrine of Justification in the Church of England by R.A. Leaver
4.75 Series #4 Justification Today: The Roman Catholic and Anglican Debate by R.G. England
4.75 Series #5/6 Homosexuals in the Christian Fellowship by D.J. Atkinson
4.75 Series #7 Nationhood: towards a Christian Perspective by O.R. Johnston
4.75 Series #9 Confessing The Faith in the Church of England Today by R.T. Beckwith
4.75 Series #10 A kind of Noah's Ark? The Anglican commitment to Comprehensiveness by J.I. Packer
4.75 Series #12 Rome and Reformation Today: how Luther speaks to the new situation by James Atkinson
6.95 Series #13 Music as Preaching: Bach, Passions and Music in Worship by Robin A. Leaver
4.75 Series #14 Jesus Through Other Eyes: Christology in Multi-Faith Context by C.A. Lamb
4.75 Series #15 Church and State Under God by James Atkinson
Other Publications$6.00 The Sarum Missal (new softcover edition, reprinted by St. Peter Publications).
This small book contains an English translation of the text of the Holy Eucharist in the Sarum Rite.
0.75 Collegium Regale: Magnificat, Tone I.1 and Nunc Dimittis, Tone I.4 Faux Bourdons and accompaniment by Dr. F. Alan Reesor
0.75 Sancti Angeli Custodes: Magnificat, Tone V111.2 and Nunc Dimittis, Tone IV.2. Faux Bourdons by Prof. Carl Mathis
4.75 The Office of Holy Communion Set to Music by John Merbecke in the year 1550 with organ accompaniment by Healey Willan
.50 A small (Hymn-book) size melody edition of the same music
4.00 Music for the Proper Prefaces compiled by John Cozens
12.00 An Act of Faith--The Founding of St. Peter's Cathedral by Peter Westin
2021 Canadian Church Calendar
Orders of 25 or more calendars, wholesale price $6.75 Fewer than 25 calendars - Price per calendar $7.25. (Shipping and handling extra.)
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