Memoirs of Archbishop Harold Nutter
The Memoirs of Archbishop Harold Lee Nutter edited by his son Andrew with a foreword by David Adams Richards
A New Brunswick Anglican Archbishop with generational ties to PEI recorded his memoirs for the Provincial Archives of NB in 1992. He married Islander Edith Carew and for many years in the 50s and 60s the family summered at their cottage on the North River in Charlottetown.
Harold Lee Nutter was born in the small New Brunswick village of Welsford. His mother died of tuberculosis when he was nine. Unlike other boys of his age, interested in hunting and fishing, Harold began studying Greek at the age of twelve. His father, who ran the village grocery store, found his son's unusual interest difficult to explain to fellow villagers. The Archbishop was sounding alarm bells in the later part of his episcopate over the wayward and woke direction of his beloved church. His writings now seem prescient. His son, Andrew (Bruce), was ordained at St Peter's Cathedral in Charlottetown.
The book is now available from St Peter Publications (in the St. Peter's Cathedral Office) at $28.
Or order the book online at this link: It Remains for me to say - Archbisop Harold Nutter
See: "A review of this book by the Rev'd Canon Gordon Maitland, National Chairman of the Prayer Book Society of Canada"

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