The Rev'd Father David
Garrett Rector of St. Peter's Cathedral
offer, in word and sacrament, in taste and smell and touch, in wood and
stone and brick, in sculpture and painting and glass a window into
eternity, a sign of the reality of Christ in this world and our
Communion in him and with one another, and a call to holiness. The
Communion in Christ’s body and blood, which we enjoy, calls us to
Purity and Unity. We are washed and sealed in the blood of Christ,
forgiven and owned, and we are called to live out this purity of
purpose, to know and live the Gospel in this world, the Gospel of
resurrection and forgiveness, hope which overcomes despair, faith which
overcomes doubt and love which overcomes hate, in a world overwhelmed
by despair and doubt and hate. And we live this out united in him, the
one true and living bread. We are his one body, and we are called to
live out this Unity.
We hope that you will have the
opportunity to visit us, to enjoy the beauty and peace of this
building, to take time for prayer and reflection, to light a candle, or
to join us in any of our acts of worship which take place regularly in
this remarkable church hallowed by years of prayer and public
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